17 Ways to Notice a Scam Website

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If you shop on a false website, your personal or financial information could be stolen, and your device could be infected with a virus or malware. Knowing how to recognize red flags is important, but once you know what to look for, it’s straightforward. Lets take you through some ways to notice a scam website. Below are some methods, tricks, and tools for determining the validity of a website.

1.Take note of the address bar

The first thing you want to look for on a website is the https:// at the beginning of the address. The S in https:// stands for secure and indicates that the website uses encryption to transfer data, protecting it from hackers.

If a website uses http:// (no S), that doesn’t guarantee that a website is a scam, but it’s something to watch for. To be on the safe side, you should never enter personal information into a site beginning with http://.

Some internet browsers, like Google Chrome, lend a hand in warning you about unsecured websites. When a site is secure, you may see a small padlock next to the web address, or the address may be highlighted in green. You might also notice the domain name next to the padlock before the https://. That means the website has one of the highest levels of encryption and can be trusted.

Example of a Secure URL: HTTPS

Some browsers highlight unsecured web addresses in red or simply say “Not secure.

Not Secure URL Example

If you’re unsure, you can click on the padlock or “Not secure” notice to see more details about the website’s security. You can also check up on a site through Google’s safe site search. The presence of the https:// doesn’t guarantee security, but it’s a good starting point.

2. Don’t be fooled by fake logos.

Check sites for logos that indicate which security certifications a website has, like DigiCert, Verisign, or Symantec, for example. A scam site may copy and paste pictures of these logos on their sites. To check whether a certification is valid, click on the logo to see if it opens a new tab with details about the website’s security. If the logo is just a picture and not a button, it’s likely fake.

3.Check the domain name

A favorite trick of scammers is to create websites with addresses that mimic those of large brands or companies, like Yah00.com or Amaz0n.net. Scammers count on you skimming over the address and domain name, so it’s always worth double-checking the address bar if you’re redirected to a website from another page.

4.You can Look up the domain age

Scammers know that more people will be shopping online during the holidays than usual, so they put together real-looking websites very quickly around those times. By checking the domain age, you can see how long the website has been in business, giving you a better sense of its veracity.

The Whois Lookup domain tracker gives you information about who a domain name is registered to, where they are, and how long the website has been active.

Whois Domain Lookup Website

5. Watch out for poor grammar and spelling

An excess of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar mistakes could indicate that a website went up quickly. Companies with legitimate websites may certainly have the occasional typo but still put effort into presenting a professional website. If a website capitalizes every other word or has a lot of odd phrasing and punctuation, take a closer look.

6.Read some online reviews

Look at reviews across a number of sources, such as Trustpilot, Feefo or Sitejabber, which aggregate customer reviews.

Don’t look at just one review website – check several to avoid being influenced by .

You should also check the company’s social media pages for recent activity and to see what other people are posting on their social channels. 

7.Spot a fake review

Use our top tips to spot a fake review:

1. Are there lots of oddly similar reviews? 

It should be a red flag if you notice a similarity in the reviews across several websites. 

Reading through reviews, you might notice a whole set that use similar word groupings and writing style. 

This often means the reviewers are either copying information or that the reviews were all written by the same person.

2. Are the reviewers all very new? 

Watch out for reviews from new accounts. Some of the reviews should be from long-standing members of the site.

You might find the person has reviewed hundreds of websites, which gives them more credibility than someone who’s only reviewed one site.

3. Is the review non-factual or overly factual? 

Facts are important in a review; don’t trust a review if facts or actionable information is light on the ground.

Similarly, a review that gives no personal opinion at all may well be a fake – and in any case, it’s not a great deal of help.

4. Can you only find very few reviews?

In this case, it’s probably best to give any suspicious website a miss.

8. Look for reliable contact information

Look for several ways to contact the company (phone, email, live chat, physical address) and try them out. Does anyone ever answer the phone? Do you get a generic prerecorded voicemail or form email? If the only method of contact is an online email form, proceed with caution.

I once found a series of similar websites that all used the same “live” chat that generated generic responses instead of actually answering my questions. It was a huge tip-off that none of the sites were legit.

Look at what else is on the site.

Legitimate websites should have several extra features like an “About Us” section, terms and conditions, a privacy policy, and, if it’s a shopping site, shipping and returns information. Check out each of those pages to make sure they are there and fully populated with actual information.

9. Use only secure payment options

Shopping websites should offer standard payment options, such as credit cards or PayPal. If a website requires you to use a wire transfer, money order, or other unsecured (and nonrefundable) form of payment, we recommend staying away, even if the rest of the website looks legitimate.

10. Walk away from deals that are too good to be true

Sometimes retailers heavily discount older merchandise to offload excess goods or make room for new products, but if you find a site that has the latest iPad model listed at an 80% discount, walk away. Chances are high that you‘ll never see the goods you purchase or the money you spent.

11. Look for a padlock

A padlock next to a website’s URL means the site is encrypted, so what you do on on it – such as browse or make payments – can’t be intercepted.

Most websites now have this feature, so if you notice a site doesn’t have one it could be a red flag.

But equally, scammers are able to forge or buy these padlocks so seeing one doesn’t always mean a website is safe.

Checking for a padlock should always be combined with the other checks we’ve recommended.

12.Run a virus scan

An inundation of ads or pop-ups can indicate that a site isn’t secure. Ads themselves aren’t an indication of a problem, but if there are more ads than content or if you have to click through several ads to be redirected to the website, you have cause to be suspicious. There are several free resources that let you do a quick scan for viruses, phishing, malware, and known scam sites:

The best way to protect yourself against malicious websites is to install antivirus software on all your devices and to keep it up to date.

Double-check emailed links.

Be wary of links sent through emails and texts from retailers, people you don’t know, or even your bank or internet provider, especially if they ask you to confirm you financial or personal details. These are common tactics scammers use to attempt to steal your information or infect your device.

13.Do your research beforehand

A quick online search of reviews of a website will tell you a lot. You can research the reputation of the seller through the Better Business Bureau and other official review sites. If there aren’t any customer reviews anywhere, that’s a concern. If you find large numbers of negative reviews, that’s a clear signal to walk away.

14.Never pay by bank transfer

Alarm bells should ring if you are asked to pay for something online via a bank transfer. 

If you buy something that turns out to be fake or non-existent with a credit or debit card, you do have some rights to get your money back.

But if you pay by bank transfer, there’s very little you can do to get your cash back.

15.Check the returns policy  

If the company is selling a product online, it should have a shipping and returns policy listed on its website.

If it’s a real company, it should tell you how and where to return a faulty item.

The website should also have terms and conditions, and a privacy policy that tells you exactly what it plans to do with any data you share and any extra contractual rights you may have.

16.Be proactive about protecting your information

If you visited a site that seemed sketchy or want to stay on top of protecting your identity, we recommend using a variety of tools:

Each of these services offers another way to keep an eye on your personal and financial information.

17.Don’t be fooled—be empowered

If you watch out for these red signals and apply caution and logical thinking, online shopping

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