6 Things To Consider When Preparing For An Interview

You might have gone for a lot of job interviews and everything went wrong and you have been wondering what you did not do right. Hearing of one on one interviews now makes you anxious and worried. Worry no more!  Here are 6 Things you should consider When Preparing for an Interview.

You reading this blog means you have successfully secured a job. Congratulations! If not, you might want to check out (step-by-step guide for a successful job search)

Now Let’s get started. Below are 6 Things you should consider when preparing for job interviews.

1. Know The Company And Their Objectives

Before you go for a job interview, take time to research about the organization you are going to join. Their main focus, their goals and objectives, what they have done and a whole lot more. For all, you know that could be the question the panel might ask you.

2. Draft Your CV To Meet The Job Requirement

When preparing for a job interview, know the job requirements and qualifications. It is important to know this because it tells you whether you are fit for the job or not. Then, you must tailor your CV with the job search, aspects of your CV that has nothing to do with your current job search must be taken off.

3. Get A File 

You can get a file and arrange all your documents in them. Position them in such a manner that, you would not find any difficulty when presenting them.

4. Be Prepared

 Preparation is key. Adequate preparation gives you an upper hand over other competitors. Being prepared needs a lot of rehearsals and reading. If you make time to do this, going for one on one interview would just be a piece of cake for you.

5. Keep Back Up Information 

Copies of your CV, pictures, certificates, and other relevant documents should be kept in your email and on your phone. You never know what might go on that day.

6. A Positive Social Media Presence

It is very important to have a very good and positive social media presence or you might keep your social media as private as possible because employers nowadays go the extra mile of checking your name on social media and try to see what you do online. This could either make the employer recruit you or not.

After going through all these points, I believe you are now ready for that job interview of your lifetime.

You can also see What To Do Before and During An Interview) to fully prepare you for your one-on-one job interview.

We wish you all the best.

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